Sunday, November 27, 2005

This was a quick trip to meet my old college buddy kevin and his wife in the windy city. What a great city to visit. Great food and shopping and really safe and clean. We were there over the Halloween weekend which is a huge event in Chicago. I posted these pics of a fountain in Daily plaza which is filled with orange water for the holiday. It was really something to see. As you can tell from the other pics it was really windy at the Navy Pier. Ever get a chance to get Chicago take it. They have this huge "stainless steel kidney bean" which creates some cool reflections. Its just opened the week before we were there. Now for the triva question, why is chicago know as the windy city? Post your guess in a comment.

Saturday, November 26, 2005

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Lindsay's Soccer Team Wins u10 Division 10-1

After years of average teams, Ludlow finally smartened up and placed all their A players one team to compete in the U 10 division of LPVJS. Lindsay was selected to the A team at the beginning of the fall season and played with some fantastic girls. Her position was mostly defense. Few if an opponents were able to get past her during the year. If funny to see such a calm level minded girl turn viscous competitor on the field. The team played with a level of unity that was a joy to watch. Unselfish and intelligent play was the order of the day. Never heard was a comment disparaging a teammate. They were all a joy to watch progress throughout the season