Monday, March 20, 2006

California trip 2006

Can vacation get any better then getting out of the northeast during the winter and heading to LA for a week? The answer is flatly no way! Jen and dan served as host for our trip tot he left coast and great hosts they were. As you can tell from the pictures we didn't stay still. First was a visit to the Reagan Library. The kids were thrilled(yea right)as you can tell from one of the picture. But as they listened and read about Reagan they were genuinely interested. The next day was of course golf. The first golf picture are of the most played public course in the united states. Can you believe $30.00 for 18 hole on the pacific. Well this course is has the best location of any muni I have ever seen. Dan said he had to call at 5am to get the tee time. Dan Jon and I really appreciate the effort. The picture of Jon on the Harley were taken on the trip to the golf course. it was Jon first real ride on a hog and needless to say he was thrilled.