Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Longest par 3 we have ever played

This shot was taken on one of the best courses Jon and I have ever played. It was a 243 yard par 3. Really well done course. We had a great time this day and the sunset there was great once again.

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Sunset Shots on the Cape

I took these at sunset as you can see. The color were just unreal. I have seen some pretty great sunset but these are right up there with the most beautiful

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More Cape Pictures 2006

There was a hot tub right on the deck the kids enjoyed. Jon and out host were practicing their game on the beach. in the pictures below you can see some seagulls on a rock in the harbor. this was their target of thier 9 iron shots!!

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Cape trip 2006 with good friends

We were fortunate this year to be invited to the cape by dear friends to spend a few days. We played golf of course and spent time at the beach. Thier home is right on the beach as you can see for the sunset pictures. Breakfast on the deck was just the best time of the day however cocktails on the deck for sunset were not that bad either!!

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Sister Kay's Birthday Party

This was one of the rare occasion that we had John's family together. His relatives from the north all came to my home for a party for Kay.
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