Friday, November 21, 2008

Best shot

this one is by far my favorite shot of lindz
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portraits of lindz

here are a couple more shots i took of lindz for fun a few weeks ago!
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Wednesday, November 05, 2008

last putt, last card, last time

pretty cool i got to watch the last round of the teams play. over the past 4 years it has been a real thrill for me to watch these kids grow into young men. good luck to them all
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last holes

as the day grew darker i think they all knew this was the last round as a team.

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more golf

the day was picture perfect for the last match and the team really enjoyed the time they spent together on and off the course. Jonhas been friends with one the teammates since pre-K!
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Jons last golf match

Here are some shots from jons last match of his high school career. the guys shown in the first photo have been playing together with jon for year and are great friends. the last four from the right have all played varsity golf for the 4 years they have been in high school and all started as well. pretty good accomplishment for jon and the team.

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