Sunday, February 28, 2010

Winter Walk just after snowfall

My christmas gift was a new nikon lens that was put to good use this morning in Feb. Just after a fresh snowfall we took a walk at the local Res. These were mostly right from the disk with a few digital aid and filter mixed in.
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Winter Break Feb 2010

This is a shot of All Star Steve Nash of the Suns. He was just back for lighting the Olympic torch at the winter games.lindz and I went to one of the games the night before and watched the suns beat ATL. Next morning Steve was at the local GNC type store so we went to see him. Was a great guy and took this shot of her.
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RM auction January 2010

Took a trip to the RM auction in scottsdale and took these shoots. The autos there were all world class rides. Mostly pre WWII and just pst WWII. Moslty very ride sold for over 100k. One special Austin Martin sold to the guy next me at the auction for 910k. Where is the recession again?
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