Saturday, March 05, 2011

Snow shoe photos winter 2011

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Snow Shoe at Quabbin

Lindz and I took a snowshoe walk with a photog group last weekend. Pretty cool since we were climing to muntain peaks less then a week ago and this weekend we are waist deep in snow.
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Wednesday, March 02, 2011

deb was there too!

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Phoenix Police helicopter at the peak

Just as the girls sat down for this shot the PD was flying around. There were just above us when these shots were taken. Lindz anf Chy could see them waving back to them.
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Bucket list sunset on a mountain top

We had this all planned to be on the top of peistwa peak at sunset. It was a bucket list of mine to be on a peak at sunset. The view was unmatched and the grils were really into it. Its a must for you too...
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Henna Tatoo 2011

This is as close as either of these girls will get to a tatoo. They chose 'love' as thier ink.
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Belly Dancer medieval fair arizona 2011

Once again this year we went to the medevil fair in AZ. This year Lindz and a friend went with me. They were facinated by the dancers abilty and I have to say so was I.
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