Sunday, October 23, 2005

TPC boston with College Buddies and Professor

Who would have believed that I would not only get the chance to play the tpc Boston but also get to play one of my college professors and a fraternity brother I haven't seen n more then 20 years. Well it happened last Friday. After some planning for more then a month my old friend Mitch Rochelle from NYC coordinated the trip. Our professor from Bentley Aaron Nurick joined us to catch us up on our almamater. Seems things have changed greatly since our graduation in the early 80's but our friend Aaron has changed little. He is still just one of the nicest guys a college undergrad could hope to meet and if lucky can have Aaron help guide you through the hard and good times that we all faced in college. I know I was glad to have him not only as a resource when I was there but he was also there for my nephew Dave some 10 years later. Thanks Aaron. Next in the 4some was my big brother from ZBT mark davidson. I hadn't seen mark in over 20 years. Whets odd about old relationships is how they seem to resume right where they ended. Mark is still the outgoing guy I new in 1979. He was able to guide me into ZBT and was a fine example for me to follow. I was lucky to count him as friend then as I do today. Lastly is my old friend Mitch. Now Mitch has invited me to 2 of the finest country clubs in new England and I still cant figure out why! I do know I truly appreciate his friendship over the years and am glad we have remained friends. Thanks Mitch

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