Thursday, February 07, 2008

2008 Vegas Birthday Trip

Here are a few pictures from our Vegaas trip for my birthday. We were there for the superbowl sunday. the weather was cool to downright cold. 49 was the high for the day and windy!! of course just as we left the weather was 60plus. of well next time we will go later in the month. we had diner at the wynn and took in the show there called le reve. very cool circdesole show. i recommend it if you are in town. the food was fantastic there as well. there was an outrageous import dealership in vegas near the airport. the bugatti you see in the picture is extremely rare. there are maybe 10 in the usa. its a 16 cyclinder 1001 hp and costs more then 1.5 million. we guess there was over 75 million worth of autos in the store

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1 comment:

B said...

Happy Birthday!

Those cars look like cartoons.